Just stuff!!

It’s November now! The time of year that I start changing stuff around on my website and blog, but I’m not going to this year! I think I’ve found a design I like. But I still need to tweak the homepage though!

I’m not updating my website this year, but that’s not stopped me from changing one of my websites! I’m currently working on an update to Linux-Links.co.uk.
I’m working on adding screen shots of the websites. I think I’ve got it working, I just need to do more testing on it.

To keep page loads and image display fast I’ve split up the retrieving and display of the screen shots

First off all the screen shots on the page do is a couple of checks. If there is no screen shot, or the screen shot is older than seven days, then the url is added to the queue, it then either displays a place holder image or the screen shot.

The second part does most of the heavy work, and it is a little icon at the bottom of every page. All it does is grab a url from the queue and fetches the screen shot. If everything is good the icon displays Tux’s head, otherwise it’s the Windows logo!!

Halloween has been and gone, but not the pumpkin pie yet! I’ve made the last pie out of the goo from this years jack-o-lantern, but it’s still to be eaten!

Fireworks night has also passed us by! Even though we’ve not had the weather for fireworks we did manage to get to a firework display before the rain fell!
It was a very nice night, the field was packed, and the setting off of the fireworks was delayed because there was still people queueing up to get in! But the fireworks themselves were good. And it was mine and my girlfriends first firework display together!

And that neatly brings me on to the next subject! It is our three year anniversary tomorrow, or today by the time this is posted! So yes, me and my girlfriend have been together for three years!

Here’s to the next three!

The house is still standing, and so are we!

Ok, it’s been a good couple of months since I have last posted on my blog, but that’s because I have only been able to snatch a few minutes a week on the Internet at my mum’s house.
But we now have the Internet installed at our house, so here I am!

Not much as changed with the house since the last post. The kitchen is still not finished, but we do have a sink, and I have been painting the ceiling! I’ll post up photo’s of progress on flickr soon.

We have managed to strip the wallpaper in the hallway, and have wallpapered half-way up the stairs already! It’s only lining paper, but it’s much better than the pink woodchip that was on the walls!
And again expect photo’s soon!

Since having Internet installed at our house, my girlfriend has been addicted to Facebook. In fact she on my computer right now, and all I can hear is the music of FarmVille, and the occasional pop of the chat window!

Lack of Updates!?

Alright, so the sudden flurry of posts at the start of the month soon died out! Lol!

But why the sudden activity, and then nothing?

I was going to try and start posting more often, not long posts, just short ones, little snippets of information and short stories about nothing in particular.

Well, I had two in mind, but as always, I just never got around to it! Lol!

Not much has happened, the only two things that I can think of is that my girlfriends oldest brother became a dad, they called him Liam and he was born on the 6th of August.

The other is that I have started working on a new site style, and seeing as I have a week off I haven’t touched it! Lol!

It’s in the same style as the current style, but I’m going to rearrange where the sub menu’s appear, and the layout of posts and comments. This will mainly affect the blog side of my site, but I might bring some of the changes into other areas of my site.

Off to the Cinema

I’m going to the cinema tonight to watch Kung Fu Panda with my girlfriend

We’ll be using the free cinema tickets I got from eating a load of chocolates!

The only thing is, it’s only valid at Cineworld Cinemas
And the only one in Bristol is in Hengrove, the other side of the city!
Still, it should only take us about 20 minutes to get there.

If we don’t get lost!!!

Another Year, Another Birthday!

I’m getting old now, I’m going to start drawing a pension soon if I carry on like this! Lol!

Yep, as you may of guessed from the title, I have recently had a birthday, it was on Saturday, and I am now 23!

The day started off alright, I opened my presents, and then I got a phone call from my mum, who was on holiday at the time in Cyprus.
Then my girlfriend came over and took me out for the day for a picnic on the Cheddar downs.

Boy was that some trek! First we had to walk up the road to a path, and then we had to walk up a load of steps, which would of been alright, but we were carrying all the food, and my presents!

Luckily it didn’t rain, and, even though the sun wasn’t out, it was warm, and it wasn’t all that windy either!
After the picnic we spent an hour or two in the gorge going in and out of all the shops.

And here’s the mandatory present list:

And now some news on my car.

On Sunday dad took me on a guided tour of the innards of my cars engine, we had towed the car to his work Friday evening, and he was working on it all Saturday. The photos can be seen in the usual places, on my website, and on flickr.

From what dad can see at the moment, it just looks like the valves need replacing, and because its been taken off, so does the head gasket.
But first dads got to make sure the cylinder head hasn’t been warped.

That’s it for now
Till next time!


For some strange reason the past month has been a bit of a slowdown time for me, I don’t know what it is, but I just cant seem to be able to get into anything, or do anything!

Take this blog as an example, the last time I posted was the 4th of February, two weeks since the post before.

In those three weeks I have done practically nothing, even though I have added a couple to plugins to my blog, but that’s just about it.

Linux Links is at a stand still.

The only things I do do regularly is feel tired, and work!

And its valentines this week, and I haven’t got my girlfriend anything

I’ve got this week off work, so its a good time to recharge my batteries, and build my computer!

Hopefully I’ll be back to my ways next week

Till next time, if I don’t fall asleep!

Euromillones Loteria International

On the 28th of December my girlfriend received a letter from the Euromillones Loteria International
Below is a copy of the letter sent

How do I know this is a scam?

  • Firstly the letter is not directly addressed to my girlfriend, and she has never entered any lottery.
  • Secondly all of the logos on the letter have been scanned into the computer.
  • Thirdly the letter heading, is that word art with a drop shadow? On an official letter?
  • Fourthly, why would the winning participant have to give 10% of their winnings to Global Fortune Security S.A.?
  • Fifthly, don’t even get me started on the “claim form”!

I’m not sure what to do with this now, do I send the “claim form” back with fake details, or just tick the box asking to be paid by a certified cheque?

The letter asks for the “award” to be kept away from public notice until the claim has been processed and the money “remitted to your nominated account”

So what better place to announce that my girlfriend has won €615,810 (six hundred and fifteen thousand eight hundred and ten euros only) shared among seventeen (17) international winners with 10% taken off, than my blog!

That’s €32,601.71 (thirty two thousand six hundred and one euros and seventy one cents) or £23,940.91 (twenty three thousand nine hundred and forty pounds and ninety one pence)

WooHoo! We’re in the money! Lol!

Until the next scam,
Stay safe!

Update! One of the commenter’s, Nick, has set up a Facebook group, if you would like to join its called I’ve received a letter from Euromillones Loteria International.

Its Nearly Christmas!

This time next week it’ll be Boxing day, and Christmas itself will be over for another year!

The past week has been quite busy at work, the warehouse has been in a complete and utter state, and still is!
We just keep on getting stock, and nights just keep on not working all of it! And not working any of the back stock!

As for Christmas shopping, I’ve very nearly finished, I just need to get my girlfriend one last thing and thats her finished!
The last thing to do is wrap it all, thats a job for Christmas eve night! Lol!

The Christmas card count has reached seven, two of them from relatives, and another two are made out to both me and my girlfriend!

I think thats just about it for now.

Until next time,
Merry Christmas