The past week

Friday was Children in Need, and the big waxing took place in ASDA.
Unfortunately I missed Scott getting his legs waxed, but I have been told he chickened out and only had one leg waxed!

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I had an email from Schmap saying that one of my photos had been nominated to be included in the forth edition of their Bristol guide.
I got an email from them Saturday saying that my photo was included.
You can view it here.

Now for more news about Linux Links, I was working all day Saturday to try and get search working, but it just wasn’t going right!

I was copying code from phpBB, and from a couple of tutorials from the Internet, I was even using the MySQL search functions, but none of them produced the results I was after.

I now feel sorry for the pigeons working at google!

Search is still not working, but I have a new plan to try, it involves splitting the search string, searching for each word separately!
I’ll keep you posted on how it goes!

Till next time
See you!

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