The past week

Friday was Children in Need, and the big waxing took place in ASDA.
Unfortunately I missed Scott getting his legs waxed, but I have been told he chickened out and only had one leg waxed!

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I had an email from Schmap saying that one of my photos had been nominated to be included in the forth edition of their Bristol guide.
I got an email from them Saturday saying that my photo was included.
You can view it here.

Now for more news about Linux Links, I was working all day Saturday to try and get search working, but it just wasn’t going right!

I was copying code from phpBB, and from a couple of tutorials from the Internet, I was even using the MySQL search functions, but none of them produced the results I was after.

I now feel sorry for the pigeons working at google!

Search is still not working, but I have a new plan to try, it involves splitting the search string, searching for each word separately!
I’ll keep you posted on how it goes!

Till next time
See you!

I may of mentioned one of my other websites one or two times before, but today I have got Linux Links up and running!

Its over at
It is dedicated to links to all things Linux related, and is in its infancy!

It is a website full of links to Linx related articles and websites, which are all browseable by tags for ease of use

What you see is basically the fully working website, it still needs a few tweaks to get it running smoothly, but its all there and functioning. Well, apart from the admin section! Lol!

I need to add a couple more sections, like a news section, and add some extra functionality to it, such as search, rating, and popularity!
I am also thinking of adding a user section, so that visitors can add their own Linux links to the database.
And I’ve still got about another 70 links to add from the old site.

So why not head on over and tell me what you think of it!


I got an email from Schmap Monday saying that

one of your photos has been short-listed for inclusion in the
fourth edition of our Schmap Bristol Guide, to be published
mid-November 2007.

I got the email Monday, but I didn’t read it until today.

I have submitted the photo, one of the ones from Bristol Zoo, to the final selection phase.

Now I just have to wait, I’ll be sent a message when the guide is released to let me know if my photo has been included in the Bristol edition.

Woohoo! 😀 I cant wait!